Terminating and Moving Out

We’re sad to see you go! Please follow the guidelines below to avoid termination, damage, or cleaning fees.

Terminating Your Assignment

To terminate your assignment, please complete the graduate or visitor termination request form within the Housing Portal. We require thirty days’ notice of your termination date. Rent responsibility ends on the last date in the month of your departure, so termination dates will always fall on the last date of the month. For example, if you plan to move out May 15 and provide notice by May 1, your termination date will be May 31, and you will be charged rent until May 31.  If you provide notice on May 2, your termination date will be June 30 and you will be charged rent until June 30.*

Filling out a termination form

  • Log into the housing portal, navigate to Forms, and select Graduate or Visitor Housing Termination
  • You will be asked to select a termination date. Under the drop-down menu “departure date,” please select the last day of the final month in which you plan to reside in MIT housing. As a reminder, termination forms must be submitted with a minimum of 30 days’ notice before the end of the month.
  • Please indicate the date you plan to move out in the “additional information” field. Your departure date must be on or before your termination date (e.g., you cannot terminate on December 31 and depart on January 1). Rent responsibility will continue until the last day of the month of your termination and will not be prorated (except for June Degree List candidates).*

If you are uncertain of when you plan to move, please enter the latest possible date. If the date changes, you may email graduatehousing@mit.edu to share an earlier date, at least 30 days before your final move-out date.

Example Termination Dates

Termination Date Form Submission Deadline
April 30 March 31
May 31 May 1
June 30* May 31
July 31 July 1

*June Degree List residents are eligible to terminate their on-campus housing on any day during the month of June with at least 30 days’ notice and rent will be prorated. 

Complete your termination form

Approved Reasons for Early Terminations

There are a number of approved reasons why you may need to break your license and terminate early. With an approved reason, please provide 30 days’ notice, and we will waive early termination fees.  However, terminating for any reason (approved or unapproved) during the first two months of a semester (September/October and February/March) incurs a termination fee equal to one month’s current rent. Some termination reasons require an additional step to ensure your termination is processed correctly, and we encourage you to follow the instructions below.



Reason for Early Termination

Additional Instructions

Visitors, Affiliates, Postdocs, & Cross-Registered Students

Visitors must provide a minimum of 30 days’ notice by completing the online Visitor Termination Request Form within their Housing Portal.  Rent responsibility (including house tax) will cease at the end of the month in which the termination date falls.  For example, if Housing & Residential Services receives your Termination Form and all required documentation on November 15 for a November 30 termination, you are responsible for your rent and house taxes until December 31. Terminating for any reason during the first two months of a semester (September or October and February or March) incurs a termination fee equal to one month’s current rent.

The early termination fee may be waived only for visitors who can provide documentation from your department of your appointment end date. Housing & Residential Services may reach out after receiving your Termination Request Form to request additional documentation as needed to support your reason for requesting an approved early termination.

Rental Verification for Off-campus apartment

If you require a rental verification or landlord reference, please provide the email address offcampus@mit.edu to the rental company or landlord.


Moving Out

As you prepare to leave your unit, you can find specific instructions for your building’s move-out process. As a reminder, any damage to your unit will be billed to you according to the Institute’s damage policy.

